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5. Remotely monitoring my valuables

You can remotely monitor your valuables 24/7, regardless of where you are, by using a second device. Connect a compatible tablet or spare phone to the internet, using either Wi-Fi or Cellular. Turn Bluetooth ON (for Android devices also make sure Location Services are...

6. Using the Humiditrak app with multiple phones

To use a sensor with multiple phones or tablets, simply login to your same Humiditrak account with a compatible device. You do not need to re-link your sensor. The sensor will automatically connect to any of your devices when in Bluetooth range and your data will be...

1. What is relative humidity?

Simply stated, Relative Humidity (RH) is the amount of water vapor present in the air expressed as a percentage of the amount of water vapor needed to saturate the air at the same temperature.It is a way of converting the actual amount of moisture in the air into a...

6. How do I contact support?

Month: February 2019 Contacting Support for the Humditrak Sensor: The quickest way to contact support for the Humiditrak Sensor is through the App. Simply go to the User Profile page, then select Contact Support. You can now type in your question and we will respond...

7. How Accurate is my sensor?

Sensors are accurate to:Humidity: ±4%RH Temperature: ±0.5°CImpact: 56 mgDust and particles that accumulate on the sensor can also affect the accuracy so do take care in keeping the sensor in a relatively dust-free...

2. Why does relative humidity matter?

Now that we know what Relative Humidity is, why is it important to your Instruments? To begin with, any given environment wants to achieve equilibrium. When moisture is added to the environment, for example by placing a container of water in it, the moisture over time...

3. Why is temperature important?

Temperature by itself is often an important factor in protecting your Instruments. Temperature directly affects the speed of atoms! The warmer your object gets, the faster the atoms move. This increase in movement, and therefore temperature, whether over an extended...

8. How do I delete my sensor?

CAREFUL!! YOU WILL LOOSE ALL OF YOUR SENSOR’S DATA Go to your sensor’s Options page by selecting the sensor from the Instruments page and then selecting the three dots in the upper right hand corner of the sensor’s Summary page. Select Delete. Press...

4. Why are there G’s in my impact data?

Simply put, because of gravity. The sensor measures impacts based on the amount of acceleration applied to your instrument. When your object come into contact with another object, a shock wave is sent through it triggering an impact reading. The intensity of the shock...

9. Why sensors do not show up in my phone’s Bluetooth settings?

Sensors use a variation of Bluetooth called Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE or Bluetooth Smart). This type of wireless connection does not use the traditional Bluetooth pairing your phone would use. Instead, by using Bluetooth Low Energy, the Humiditrak App directly...